
A Young Brain’s Confession

Hi ! I am Jiah’s brain. Yesterday only I have been graded ‘C’ by her class teacher, yet again. Now for those of you who don’t know her, Jiah is a sweet little girl who loves cats and remembers the lyrics of every song she listens to. She likes to paint and dance & play volleyball. Mathematics doesn’t interest her and she doesn’t care about the composition of atmosphere or the chemical equation of photosynthesis. She has many friends-most of them got C grade and a few D’s. And, if it matters , she is in ninth grade.

I hate her mom and that Rama aunty who always wants to tell everyone that her son Prateek topped his class blah blah….and does Jia’s mom listen to this crap with a beggar’s face! I wish I could tell her that Jiah can’t and she doesn’t want to mug up 200 pages before exams because she doesn’t think that that’s important. Oh! I wish my left side was as strong as Prateek’s brain’s. Then Jiah would have been a ‘genius’ too. It’s a pity she only paints and dances better than most people her age. Anyways, this year mom took her out of dance class because the syllabus is too wide, she isn’t performing well in academics and she can’t afford wasting time on dance.” Seriously?! (more…)